How to Install Android SDK on Ubuntu 22.04

Written by: Bobbin Zachariah   |   Last updated: January 28, 2023

Are you an Android Application developer? Then you should know about Android SDK. Basically, SDK is a set of tools used to develop apps for the Android system. Android SDK consists of mainly platform tools, build tools, sdk tools, and emulator. These make your life easy to create APK - to turn your program into an Android app.

All modern Linux Desktop environments including Ubuntu support Android SDK. And some SDKs come along with Android Studio. You may also install Android SDK without Andriod Studio.

In this tutorial, we learn how to Install Android SDK on Ubuntu 22.04.

1. Install Java

The newer version of Android Studio comes with OpenJDK. But it's recommended to have it installed to make sure you have the latest versions.

To install JDK from OpenJDK, type:

sudo apt install default-jdk
install openjdk on ubuntu

You can now verify JDK versions using the following command:

javac --version
confirm openjdk version on ubuntu

The output shows the openjdk 11.0.17 versions that confirm it got installed.

2. Add Android Studio PPA Repository

We can install Android studio in many ways. Here we are using the PPA method. As of writing this tutorial, we have a PPA for Android Studio which supports the latest Ubuntu.

To add the maarten-fonville PPA, type,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-fonville/android-studio
add maarten-fonville PPA for android studio

3. Update the system

The apt-add-repository command only adds a line to /etc/apt/source.list file. To resynchronize the package index files from their sources have to update the system.

Run the following command to update the system:

sudo apt update
update the ubuntu system

4. Install Android Studio Package

Once the system is updated, you can simply install the Android Studio package using apt.

sudo apt install android-studio
install the android studio package using the PPA

This basically downloads the android studio tar.gz file from the official android website and then installs it with dependencies.

Note: If you just need android SDK you can install it without installing android studio.

6. Install Android SDKs

Once Android Studio is installed, open Andriod Studio App from the graphical interface. You can easily find it by searching Andriod studio in the search bar.

From the Welcome to Android Studio screen click the More Actions button.

Android studio welcome package

From the left menu select Android SDK and choose SDK Tools from the tab.

Android SDK Tools

You can see some SDK tools such as Build-Tools, Emulator, and Platform-Tools come preinstalled along with Android Studio.

For example, let's install SDK command line tools by selecting the check box and then clicking the OK button.

android SDK downloading

This downloads the latest version of the SDK tools we choose.

Android SDK installed

Once completed the status column will show the version installed and the "installed" status message.


In this tutorial, we learned how to install Android studio SDK on Ubuntu 22.04. Some SDKs already come preinstalled when you install Android Studio. Go ahead with your required packages.

Thanks for reading, please leave your feedback and suggestions in the below comment section.

About The Author

Bobbin Zachariah

Bobbin Zachariah

Bobbin Zachariah is an experienced Linux engineer who has been supporting infrastructure for many companies. He specializes in Shell scripting, AWS Cloud, JavaScript, and Nodejs. He has qualified Master’s degree in computer science. He holds Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) certification and RedHat Enable Sysadmin.



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