Check Input Arguments in Bash Script

Written by: Aditya Harsh   |   Last updated: October 16, 2023

We would have often come across Bash scripts that expect arguments either in the form of user input or in conjunction with those scripts. When developing such scripts, it becomes of paramount importance to validate and sanitize the input arguments. This prevents the script from behaving in an unexpected manner.

This guide will cover different ways of checking the existence of input arguments in a Bash script.

Here’s a quick overview of the Bash tools we are going to use:

  • $# to fetch the number of arguments supplied to a script.
  • Unary test operators (-n and -z) on positional parameter.
  • Shift command to left shift the command line arguments.

Using the special variable $#

Bash comes with some special variables including $# to store the number of input arguments passed to the script. If the script expects at least one input argument, we can check if the "$#" variable is greater than zero. 

Let us consider an example script named with execute permissions.

if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]
    echo "{ERROR} The script expects at least one input. Exiting"
    exit 1
echo "Total number of input arguments provided are: $#"
script checking total number of input arguments

The "-eq” operator is testing if the "$#" variable is numerically equal to 0.

An error message will appear on the screen and the script will exit with a status code of 1 when the condition becomes true. Otherwise, the script will echo the count of arguments.

When we run the script:


There is no argument supplied with the script. The error message will be displayed and exit with status code 1 will take place.

Run with arguments:

./ London Paris Tokyo Dubai Moscow

Since we have passed arguments to the script, we get to see the correct count being returned as 5. 

Using the test on positional parameter

As there has been a mention of special variables, another one that can be used to check an argument in Bash is the positional variable. $1 is the positional parameter storing the very first argument supplied to the script.

We have also previously seen the use of the '-n' and '-z' options available with Bash. These are unary operators to check the length of a string variable.

-n option

We use this operator to examine if the length of the variable is non-zero. True is returned if the string is non-empty. Using this tool, we can check if the input argument exists or not.

if [ -n "$1" ]
    echo "Input argument present"
    echo "{ERROR} Input argument not present"
    exit 1
bash script check input argument present using -n

The "-n" option acts on the first argument to determine if the first input argument is not empty. If non-empty, the script displays a success message. Otherwise, the script outputs an error message and terminates the script with a status code of 1.

When we run the script:


As there is no argument supplied with the script, it will simply echo the error message and exit with status code 1.

Run with arguments:

./ London 

Since we have passed arguments to the script, the if condition gets satisfied and we get the prompt that the input argument is present.

-z option

This operator examines if the length of the variable is zero by returning true if the string is empty. We can integrate this in our script to test the presence of the input argument.

if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "{ERROR} Input argument not present"
    exit 1
    echo "Input argument present"
bash script check input argument present using -z

The "-z" option acts on the first argument to verify if it is empty. The script will display a success message if it is not empty. An error message will appear and the script will terminate with a status code of 1 otherwise.

When we run the script:


As there is no argument supplied with the script, the "if" condition gets satisfied. It will simply echo the error message and exit with status code 1.

Run with arguments:

./ London

Since we have passed arguments to the script, we get the prompt that the input argument is present.

Using the shift command

The built-in shift command moves the command line arguments one position to the left. This way, the first argument is lost after using shift command. We are going to use this fundamental principle in an example to understand how the shift command checks the number of passed arguments to the script.

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
echo "Total number of input arguments provided are:  $c"
check total number of arguments using shift

The count variable 'c' holds the specified argument’s counter. The while loop checks if the number of arguments the script received ($#) is greater than 0. In each run, the shift command jumps the positional parameter to the left by one. 

For each shift we increment the value of c by one. After the loop is finished, we display the total number of arguments.

Different scenarios/ Examples

There could be different situations where we have to validate the input arguments. We will learn how to handle the legitimate arguments and discard the rest.

If no arguments are supplied

We can forget to pass arguments to a script that expects it. We should terminate the script with an error message. We can create a small script snippet to handle this situation.

if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]
    echo "{ERROR} The script expects at least one input. Exiting"
    exit 1

As seen previously, we have used to the special variable "$#" to get the count of the input parameters. When no input is passed, this count is zero. Hence, we can simply log an error message and exit the script completely.

If one or more arguments are supplied

Sometimes, the script looks for at least one argument. Let us understand this example to check for at least one argument, otherwise we exit the script:

if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]
    echo "{ERROR} The script expects at least one input. Exiting"
    exit 1

The special variable "$#" is used again to get the count of the input parameters. When no input is passed, this count is zero. We use -lt to check if  the left operand is less than that of the right operand. We terminate the script by echoing the error with an exit status of 1. 

If the arguments are supplied, this count will not be less than one. The code flow will never reach the if block and continue as normal without terminating.

If a specific argument is supplied

We can check if a specific argument is passed to the script by getting the length of the argument. We will check the existence of the 3rd argument in this example.

if [ -z "$3" ]
    echo "{ERROR} 3rd Input argument not present"
    exit 1
    echo "3rd input argument is $3"

The third argument passed to the script will always be available in the special variable $3. Using the unary operator -z, we determine if the length of $3 is zero by returning true if empty.

If not, the script will display a success message, displaying the third argument. Otherwise, the script will throw an error message and exit out. We can also use the -n operator on $3 as seen previously.

If the supplied arguments count is as expected

There could be situations where the script is looking for "x" number of arguments, but receives only "y". We should handle this gracefully by counting the number of arguments. Let us see how we can achieve this.

if [ "$#" -ne 4 ]
  echo "{ERROR} Script expects 4 arguments. Supplied is $#"
  exit 1
script to check supplied arguments count is as expected

The special variable "$#"fetches the count of the input parameters. We do a numeric comparison using the -ne to check if  the left operand is not equal to the right operand. If not equal, we terminate the script by echoing the error with an exit status of 1. 

When we pass fewer or greater than 4 arguments, the if condition is fulfilled. This will print the error statement and exit without any further execution. 

If argument is a string

There could be numerous places, where we want the input to be strictly of string data type. We need this check when validating certain fields like name or city where we can only expect non-numeric characters. We can use regular expressions for this.

if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "No input passed."
elif [[ ! "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
    echo "Input is of string type"
    echo "Input is numeric"
check argument is string type

We first check if the input $1 is empty using the -z unary operator. If empty, we warn the user with an error message and exit the script to ensure no further processing gets carried out.

If the input is not empty, we reach the elif condition. The ~ operator instructs shell to match the value of $1 against the regular expression. The expression ^[0-9]+$ matches any string that consists only of one or more numeric digits. This combined with the ! operator does the exact opposite. 

This means, if the input does not match the numeric pattern, it is safe to call it a string. We echo a message to show that the input is a string. 

Finally, if it doesn’t match, we reach the else block as we are certain it is a number. We display the corresponding message.

About The Author

Aditya Harsh

Aditya H

Aditya Harsh graduated from BITS Pilani, India with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science in 2015. Since then he has been working as a Software Developer and specializes in automation, especially in Java, and Bash scripting. Over these years, he has worked on a lot of cutting-edge technologies and enjoys using his skills to contribute to technological advances. He believes in the power of knowledge and takes great joy in sharing what he has learned.



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