bash - Page 16 of 16 - LinuxOPsys

The ls command is one of the most frequently used Linux commands. Just like File explorer for GUI, ls command is a CLI version of it.

GNU Nano is a simple, user-friendly, and command-line text editor that is preinstalled in most Linux distributions. It provides various features like other text editors such as multiple

The decade-old ls command has been a handy tool in listing the contents of a directory. It provides multiple options for listing files and is good at exactly

Most people consider Ubuntu, Debian, etc as Linux. But, those are Linux distributions. When you want to use Linux on your system or server, first you need to

The usermod command is used in Linux to modify user accounts after it is created. It supports many options to alter the attributes of accounts. While adduser or

In this tutorial, we’ll be understanding /etc/passwd file in Linux operating system and its format. It is one of the principal files in Linux that stores information about

The umask (User Mask) command in Linux is a built-in shell command which sets the default file permissions for newly created files and directories.


The mv command, short for "move,". It is used in Linux and UNIX-like systems to move or rename files and directories.

Mainly used for two