wget Command in Linux Explained [With Examples]

Written by: Linuxopsys   |   Last updated: July 21, 2023

The wget command is a utility in Linux that is used for non-interactive downloading of files from the web. It supports downloading via HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols.

In this guide, we learn about the wget command in Linux with examples.

Installing Wget

The wget comes preinstalled on many Linux distributions, and therefore you won't need to install it. In case found it is not installed, you can easily install it using the package manager that comes with your Linux distribution.

Install wget on Debian / Ubuntu:

sudo apt install wget

Install wget on Fedora / Rocky Linux / AlmaLinux:

sudo dnf install wget

Install wget on Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -Sy wget

Install wget on SUSE Linux:

sudo zypper install wget

Basics of Wget

The basic syntax of wget command:

wget [OPTIONS] [URL]


  • [OPTIONS] : This changes the behavior of wget such as changing the directory to save the file, mirroring, recursion, etc.
  • [URL] : This is the URL of the file or page to download.

The wget configuration file, which is typically located at /etc/wgetrc or ~/.wgetrc. One useful situation is when the server is behind a proxy, you can add proxy details in the config file.


Here are some of the most commonly used wget command options.

-O (Uppercase)Downloads a file using a different file name
-b or --backgroundDownloads a file in the background and frees up the terminal
-i, --input-fileAllows to specify a list of URLs in a file to download.
-c ( Lowercase )Resumes download of a partially downloaded file
-PSpecifies the directory that a file will be downloaded
-r or --recursiveTell wget to follow links and download recursively.
-N or --timestampingOnly download files that are newer than existing files.
-m or --mirrorDownloads a mirror copy of a website including all website files. Equal to It's equivalent to -r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing.
-np or --no-parentDon't ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively.
-k or --convert-linksMake links in downloaded HTML or CSS point to local files.
-p or --page-requisitesGet all images, etc. needed to display HTML page
--limit-rateLimits download speed when downloading a file
--ftp-user=USER  Set FTP user to USER
--ftp-password=PASS Set FTP password to PASS
--no-check-certificateSkips SSL certificate checking
--user-agentChanges browser UserAgent
-o or --output-fileLog output of wget to a file, use -a option to append.
-V, --versionDisplays the version of wget
-h, --helpDisplays all the wget command options and usage

Downloading a file using wget

To download a file simply pass the specified URL as argument to the wget command.


wget https://files.phpmyadmin.net/phpMyAdmin/5.1.1/phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages.zip
download a file using wget

This command downloads the file phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages.zip to the current directory from the URL https://files.phpmyadmin.net/phpMyAdmin/5.1.1/phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages.zip.

To confirm use the ls command:

ls -l | grep -i phpmyadmin
verify the downloaded file

Save the file under a different name

Use the -O (uppercase 'O') option with wget command to specify the name of the file that will be saved on the local system. By default, wget uses the name in the URL. So this way once downloaded you can see the file has your custom name.


wget -O phpmyadmin.zip  https://files.phpmyadmin.net/phpMyAdmin/5.1.1/phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages.zip
tell wget to save as a different filename

The name in the URL is phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages.zip, using the option we set the name phpmyadmin.zip to be saved as.

Downloading a file to a different directory

By default, wget downloads the file to the current directory. Use -P option with wget to specify a custom location for your download.


wget -P /tmp/ https://go.dev/dl/go1.17.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz
wget download file to a specific directory

This command downloads the file go1.17.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz to the /tmp directory.

Usage Examples

Let's dig further into more usage examples of the wget command.

Downloading in Quiet Mode

When we run wget its outputs lots of information to the terminal. But you can use -q option to suppress all those outputs. So you can silently run the command.


wget -q https://en-au.wordpress.org/latest-en_AU.tar.gz
download quietly without any output

This downloads the WordPress tar.gz file to the current directory without any output to the terminal. This quit mode is often helpful when used in scripting.

Recursive Downloads

The wget --recursive or -r option allows to download files from specified URL and associated resources that URL links to. It continues this process recursively.


wget --recursive  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux

This command will download the HTML file at the specified URL (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux) and also follow all links within that file, downloading them as well.

By default wget --recursive would follow links back up to https://en.wikipedia.org but using --no-parent you can limit going back to the parent.

wget --recursive --no-parent https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux/

You're telling wget to download everything from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux recursively, but not to move up to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki.

To download only specific file types using -A option with wget. Example:

wget --recursive -A gif,jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux/

This command will recursively download all .jpg and gif files from the specified URL.

Limiting the Download Speed

By default, the wget command uses up all the bandwidth to download files. This can be particularly useful when you're downloading large files or when you're on a slow connection.

To limit the download speed use the --limit-rate option followed by the value to limit. You can specify the speed in kilobytes per second (k), in megabytes per second (m) or gigabytes per second (g).


wget --limit-rate=1m https://go.dev/dl/go1.17.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz
wget to limit the download speed

This command limits the download speed to 1 megabyte per second.

Resuming Interrupted Downloads

Occasionally, you will run into situations where the file download gets interrupted. This normally happens when downloading large files or when your network connection is unreliable. This creates a partially downloaded file. The wget provides a way to resume these interrupted downloads without having to start from the beginning.

In this example, we have simulated a failed file download by pressing Ctrl + C

interrupted file download

To continue the interrupted download use -c option with wget.


wget -c https://download.owncloud.org/community/owncloud-complete-latest.tar.bz2
wget resume the interrupted failed file download

This command checks if the file with the same name exists in the current directory, If the file exists then wget sends Range headers to the server and asks servers to send data from where it was stopped.

Note: If the remote server doesn't support Range headers, it won't be able to send the remaining data, instead send the entire file again. Eventually overwrites the existing file.

Downloading Multiple Files

With wget use the -i (or --input-file) option followed by a file containing the list of URLs that you want to download.


wget -i download.txt
wget to download multiple files using file list

In this command, download.txt is a file that contains the list of URLs to download.

Mirroring Websites

You can download a mirror copy of a website using the -m option. Comes very useful if you want to view any website locally. It is technically equal to these options -r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing, meaning it enables recursion and time-stamping, sets infinite recursion depth, and keeps FTP directory listings.


wget -m https://example.com
mirror a while website

When mirroring a website consider adding the following options, which comes useful for fully experienced local browsing.

wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites https://example.com

Where the additional options we added helps to :

  • --convert-links or -k : This ensures that where possible, each link points to a locally downloaded equivalent. Basically, change the href to point locally.
  • --adjust-extension or -E : This option adds suitable extensions (.html or .css) to files (especially useful for dynamically generated pages).
  • --page-requisites : This option makes wget download all the files necessary to properly display the page offline. This includes things like CSS style sheets, images, and other resources.

Keep a note: By default, wget follows the rules defined in robots.txt file. You can cautiously use the -e robots=off option to ignore it.

Downloading files in the background

Using wget we can download files in the background. This enables wget to start downloading files in the background and you can continue using the terminal or even close it.

Use -b option with wget to download files in the background.


wget -b https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.16.1.tar.xz
wget to download file in background so that can use terminal for other activities or close it

This command downloads linux-5.16.1.tar.xz file in the background. All the output will be logged into the wget-log file in the current directory. You can keep track of the download progress by viewing the wget-log file using the tail command.

If you want to specify a different log file, you can use the -o (or --output-file) option:

wget -b -o logfile.txt https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.16.1.tar.xz

Different Protocols

You can use wget with different protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.

HTTP Example:

wget http://example.com/path/to/file

HTTPS Example:

wget https://example.com/path/to/file

By default wget look for SSL certificate to verify. In some cases, you will find yourself downloading files from HTTPS sites with invalid or expired SSL. In those case we can tell wget to ignore these certificate errors by using the --no-check-certificate option. Example:

wget --no-check-certificate https://site-with-invalid-ssl-certificate.com

FTP Example:

The wget command can also be used to download files from FTP servers

wget ftp://example.com/path/to/file

Where a username and password are required, you can provide the username and password in the URL itself, or you can use the --user and --password options with wget.

wget --ftp-user=FTP_USERNAME --ftp-password=FTP_PASSWORD ftp://ftp.example.com/filename.tar.gz

Using wget with Proxies

The wget allows you to use a proxy server for your requests. You either set environment variables (https_proxy or ftp_proxy or set them in the wget configuration file.

Environment variable method:

export https_proxy=https://proxy-server:port/
wget https://example.com

Setting in the configuration file:

You can either set it in the global configuration (/etc/wgetrc) or local (~/.wgetrc) file. Example

# ~/.wgetrc or /etc/wgetrc

You can also even try this oneliner from the terminal to download using a proxy:

$ http_proxy=https://proxy-server:port/ wget https://www.example.com/

Note that the proxy settings in the wget configuration file will be overridden by the environment variables if they are set.

Logging Wget Output

Use -o option to log wget output to a file. You need to specify a filename, which will be created if doesn't exists. And will overwrite if it already exists.


wget -o wget.log https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux
wget logging output to a specific file

This downloads the webpage at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux and write all output messages to a file named wget.log.

You may use -a option to append to the same file instead of overwriting. Example:

wget -a wget.log https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux
wget logging output to specific file by appending

Change wget User-Agent

By default, wget sends a user agent string to identify itself to the server. Some servers block or limit these requests. Wget has an option named --user-agent which can be passed to pretend specific web browser.


wget --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:96.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/96.0" http://example.com
Modifying User-Agent

In this command, wget will send a user agent string that matches the one from a Firefox browser on a Linux machine.



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